
Loss can be experienced in many different ways.

grieving-300x280You may have experienced a bereavement or relationship break-up, or perhaps you are facing loss of work, redundancy or retirement? Loss can be felt when you are leaving home or college, moving house or country or following a trauma which has made you feel disconnected from your self. Loss in the present time can trigger memories of loss during your earlier life.

imagesWhatever loss means for you, it might be that it has caused or is causing you to feel unsafe in the world. Sometimes when we feel unsafe we express this through angry outbursts or crying unexpectedly or feeling anxious or depressed. Sometimes we become more controlling in our actions and thoughts.

Talking about what you are feeling with a trained therapist can give you some space to think through and begin to process your experience of loss in your own way, in your own time.

My role as a psychodynamic counsellor is to listen to what you have to say and think together with you about some of the themes and feelings that you raise, but not to advise. I aim to support you in a way that feels useful to you, to find your own solutions. You are in control. And the service is confidential.

To contact me, see here.